Caitlin Cooney is participating in a Read-A-Thon with
Williams Elementary School PTO
25027 total mins read
254 supporters
110 mins read by Caitlin so far
Friends and family play an important role in the life of a student. Children who are supported and encouraged to read perform much better.
That's one of the reasons we wanted you to know about our Read-A-Thon at Williams Elementary School PTO. The Read-A-Thon allows us to raise funds while promoting a love of reading with our students.
We invite you to make a donation that will benefit Caitlin and Williams Elementary School PTO. When donating, we encourage you to leave a message for Caitlin, which means so much to young readers.
Your support is very appreciated.
Hello and Welcome to the 2nd Annual Williams Elementary School Read-A-Thon!
We are excited to once again offer a fundraiser which focuses on nurturing a love of reading. Our portion of funds earned go directly to support future PTO-sponsored programs including Enrichment and Cultural events, Field Trips, and Family Social Events. Funds also help to fulfill Teacher Classroom Wishlists and much needed school improvements.
Our school goal is to read 20,000 minutes total and our fundraising goal is $8000. We know we will reach and surpass these goals with your help!
Thank you for your support!
The Williams Elementary School PTO
$ raised so far |